Adopt a friend. Save a life. Almost Home Humane Society

Trap, Neuter & Release


Community or feral cat are cats that are living outdoors and surviving well in their environment.  These are not cats that would be comfortable living in an indoor environment. 

About the TNR Program

The Almost Home Humane Society Trap-Neuter-Return program assists local individuals caring for these cats with altering any unsterilized cats and returning them to their original location. The TNR program is a management technique in which feral cats are humanely trapped, evaluated, spayed or neutered by a licensed veterinarian,ear-tipped, vaccinated, and then returned to their original habitat. Feral cats live outdoors and survive well in their environment. They will avoid human contact and will not approach people. TNR improves the coexistence between outdoor cats and human in our shared environment and improves the quality of life for these cats.

Why is this program important?  We know that most of the kittens we receive each year are from feral or community cats. Spaying and neutering these cats will reduce the number of outdoor cats living in our community and also help reduce pet overpopulation.  Through this program, any trapped kittens that are young enough for rehabilitation will be acclimated to indoor homes.

Becoming a Caregiver:

Are you feeding outdoor or community cats?  If so, Almost Home would like to register you as a Community Caretaker.  Why should you become a community caretaker?

  • As a community caretaker you are officially registered with the City of Lafayette to care for feral cats and receive resources provided by AHHS.

  • AHHS can provide you with rental traps (which can be rented for $25 cash which is refunded once returned) to help trap your cats and also provide spay or neuter surgeries for the cats

  • AHHS will also help you with supplies like straw and winter housing for your colony

If you wish to be a caretaker, there are some guidelines for feeding feral cats. First, look for evidence if a colony is being cared for: food dishes, water bowls, or shelters. If no one seems to be feeding the cats, put food out once a day, preferably dry. Leave it in a place as inconspicuous as possible; such as under shrubs, behind dumpsters, or near walls where cats can feed safely. Don't forget to provide fresh water!

Keeping a low profile is the key. "Out of sight, out of mind" is a common motto of many feral cat caregivers. Be inconspicuous in your feeding and trapping activities. 

Additionally, as a caregiver, you need to constantly monitor your colony for incoming new cats as they may not be altered. In such case, you will need to humanely trap them and bring them into AHHS to be spayed or neutered. 

For more information in regards to our TNR program, feel free to email [email protected].

 *Our Trap-Neuter-Release program is in accordance with Chapter 10.09 of the Lafayette Animal Control Ordinance.

Have questions about our Trap, Neuter & Release program?
