Adopt a friend. Save a life. Almost Home Humane Society


  • Bottle Babies

    515. That is how many kittens 3 months or younger have entered Almost Home since the beginning of this year’s “kitten season” in February. Of the 515 kittens we’ve received, the vast majority have been less than 2 months old and required foster care (497 pets have been placed into foster care this year, mostly kittens). What does this huge number mean? We need your help!

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  • We are at Capacity

    Over the last several years Almost Home has consistently shared the message that we want to save every pet that has a chance at a happy, healthy life. It was our mission to achieve a “save rate” that exceeded 90% and we’ve achieved it each year since 2015. Saving more lives isn’t a mission unique to our community, it’s a message that has been spreading across the country but it comes with its own challenges.

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